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If you have a creative project that you'd like to discuss, please reach out
Early days
I started in the creative realm as co-founder of an Arts & Entertainment newspaper called The Boston Edge. I also spent a few years as the Public Relations Director for a printed shoelace company. (Anyone remember that fad?) I briefly veered into education and adventure when I spent a couple of years in Japan as an English teacher. 


After bouncing around for a while, I found my niche, Technical Writing, and that's what I did for over 20 years. I had a pretty fun career, from establishing the Technical Writing department for a high tech start-up, to working as an Information Designer at one of the world's largest corporations.


Glory days
Now that I'm retired, I'm free to indulge in more creative projects, starting with a children's ballet book, which is available on and other online retailers. Many others are on the drawing board.
Back in the day
I graduated from Wellesley College with a  ​B.A. in English.


Arts & music
I recently started studying botanical illustration, and I've been banging around on the piano for 5 or 6 years now. Last year, I started strumming the ukulele.


The rest of the story
You can find me at LinkedIn.
And see my Author page on Amazon.
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Horseback riding
Creative writing
French & Japanese languages
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